
Showing posts from September, 2011


                                                           SREEPADA RAVIKUMAR                      Assistant Professor               M.V.S.R. Engineering College  A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new" - Albert Einstein Latest 1. Instruction Byte Queue 2. Pin Description of 8086                      UNIT I Additional Notes UNIT II Notes on Selected Topics  Memory Interfacing Complete solution to a question from December 2008 paper Applications of Microprocessors Microprocessors and Interfacing Notes :  Below are the links for chapterwise notes. Download and have a look. Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit    emu8086     Download the above software for practicing 8086 programs which you had learnt in the lab as well as in the class. Follow these instructions to use this software MASM(Macro Assembler)    This is one more simulation software for practicing MASM based