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    1.      What is Stack? Explain about stack in 8085. ·        The stack is a group of memory location in the R/W memory that is used for temporary storage of binary information during the execution of a program ·        The stack is a LIFO structure. – Last In First Out. ·        The starting location of the stack is defined by loading a 16 bit address into the stack pointer that spaced is reserved, usually at the top of the memory map   Stack in 8085   ·        In 8085 microprocessor system the beginning of the stack is defined in the program by using the instruction   LXI SP,<16 bit> ·        The 8085 provide two instruction PUSH & POP for storing information on the stack and retrieving it back. PUSH   <Reg Pair>     :    Stores content of register pair on to stack   POP       <Reg Pair>     :    Retrieves content from top of the stack in to register pair   PUSH      H   ·        The stack pointer is decremented by one to 2098 H ,