1. In 8051 what are special function registers? Name any four SFRs.
2. Explain on-chip RAM structure of 8051.
3. Draw and explain the architecture of 8051.
4. What is the difference between timer and counter?
5. Differentiate between microprocessor and microcontroller?
6. What is a microcontroller? Mention few applications of it.
7. What is the difference between LJMP, AJMP and SJMP?
8. Explain about following pins. (1) EA’  (2)  PSEN’  (3) ALE
9. What are alternate functions of Port-3 ?
10. Explain about structure of four ports with neat diagrams.
11. Explain about different modes of operation of timer.
12. Write a program to generate 1KHz waveform on P1.7 (Assume XTAL = 11.0592MHz) using timer-0
13. Write a program to generate two waveforms with 5KHz and 25KHz simultaneously on P1.7 and P2.7 respectively.(Assume XTAL=22MHz). Use interrupt method.
14. Write a program to find number of zeros in register R6.
15. Write a program to complement lower nibble of Accumulator.
16. Write a program to exchange the contents of FFh with FF00h.
17.Write a program to store the higher nibble of R7 to both nibbles of R6.
18. Transfer the block of data from 20h to 30h to external location 1020h to 1030h.
19. With neat schematic and program explain interfacing stepper motor to 8051.
20. With neat schematic and program explain interfacing ADC0808 to 8051.
21. With neat schematic and program explain interfacing DAC0808 to 8051.
22. Interface 16×2 LCD to 8051 to display string ‘YES’ at 9600 baud.
23. What is the difference between bit and byte addressability? Explain with examples.
24. Mention any four bit addressable registers.
25. Explain expansion of I/O ports in 8051.
26. Show the design of 8031 based system with 8KB of program ROM and 8KB of data RAM
27. Show the design of 8051 based system with 8KB×8 data RAM.
28. Explain about various addressing modes of 8051.
29. Discuss about interrupt structure of 8051.  
30. Explain the role that each of the bits TCON.0 and TCON.1 play in the execution of external interrupt 0.


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